
As with any programming language, the main task of JavaScript is to create a sequence of actions that will lead to a certain result. For most professionals, web development remains the only field for JavaScript. Many beginners are even sure that they simply won’t be able to use it effectively elsewhere. This is an established belief that the true extent of JavaScript use outside of web development is extremely small. There are many reasons: it loses competition to other languages ​​and is not suitable for all projects.

But there is an opinion and the exact opposite. Fireart – javascript development company work wonders and allow you to use JS absolutely everywhere! The truth, as usual, is somewhere in between.

These can be “if-then” conditions, cycles that create a certain sequence of actions, mathematical calculations, etc.

The most important thing is that all these operations can be performed on web pages, in a browser window. Moreover, JavaScript can work without an Internet connection.

So, let’s take a look at a number of examples that demonstrate the capabilities that can be obtained using JavaScript.

Mathematical Operations

On web pages, it is very often necessary to perform certain calculations.

For example, there are two text fields and you need to display the sum of the two numbers entered in the first two in the third text field.

Using Javascript from, you can create a calculator and place it on a web page.

Another situation, take some text string on a web page, you need to increase its size by 1.5 times. This can also be done mathematically by multiplying the current size by a factor of 1.5.

There are a lot of tasks that require calculations in practice. Javascript allows you to do all of this.

Processing and Validating Data in HTML Forms

JavaScript allows you to check that all the required fields are filled in and the data that they contain corresponds to the required format (for example, if numbers are required, then there should be only numbers and no letters).

JavaScript does it without reloading the page and even without an internet connection.

Before sending data to the server, it is pre-checked for JavaScript. This reduces the load on the server.


User Interactions and Events

Different effects can appear on a web page, depending on what the user is doing.

Drop-down menu on the site on mouse over.

When you click on the button, hide or show some element on the page.

A pop-up window appears when the mouse cursor has moved outside the browser window.

Background fading and fading effects are implemented in JavaScript.

Interact with HTML elements on the page and manipulate their content and styles.

When a certain event occurs (for example, a mouse click or any other), you can change the appearance (CSS styles) of elements on the page.

This is all done programmatically.

You can also add some HTML tags or attributes to them, also when a certain event occurs.

Add animation and various graphic effects to web pages.

Falling and moving objects. For example, snow on the site.


The Internet of Things is an industry in which the importance of JavaScript is only growing, and new JS tools appear literally every day. In the IoT, the Arduino platform (microcomputer for embedded control systems) is common. There are tons of frameworks that allow hardware programming of this board in JavaScript. Let’s say about the main ones.

Johnny-Five. The premier robotics programming framework released in 2012. Compatible with all Arduino models, there is a set of special plugins for working with analogs. Also, the Arduino model supports the Tessel 2 microcontroller, which is programmed in JavaScript.

Another versatile tool for controlling robotics is the Cylon.js framework. It supports 36 different platforms. He is advised to choose for work in 2019. Supports declarative syntax, so it is relatively easy to use.

Separately, we will highlight JerryScript (ultra-light, for programming devices with the smallest amount of RAM), Nodebots and Silk. The latter allows you to do hardware programming of Android devices using JavaScript.

Quadcopters are also worth mentioning. This is where JavaScript’s penetration into robotics is felt especially strongly – a number of modern production models are equipped by default with an operating system that supports Node.js.



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