
A lot of managers dislike giving feedback and refrain from it, not realizing how it affects employee output. Not only is it integral to an employee’s growth, but also increases their motivation since it gives them clear direction.

At the same time, there are some managers who only give negative inputs to their employees. This is very detrimental for the employee’s morale and can make it difficult for them to understand how to better themselves.

This is why it is advised that managers regularly provide feedback that is constructive in a thoughtful way. Constructive feedback is powerful in bringing a positive change in the employee and encourages their development. 

Here’s how constructive feedback by managers can foster a culture of growth in an organization:

It Helps Employees Identify Their Shortcomings

This is the biggest benefit of providing constructive feedback to employees. When managers are specific in describing their observations and do not make it personal, employees get a candid opinion about their work performance.

It also sheds light on their shortcomings without making them feel bad so they know what aspects need their utmost attention. Since this will help them grow, employees will genuinely appreciate it and will ensure they work on their development to present better results.

It Keeps Employee Morale High

Getting to hear from their manager about their performance helps employees grow professionally as well as personally. When this need is met and they are made aware of both the positives and negatives of their performance, it gives them a chance to grow.

When managers keep the feedback focused on employee behavior to address any concerns without criticism, employees view it as an opportunity to grow. It makes them feel valued and keeps their morale high.

It Improves Employee Performance

Not providing adequate feedback to an employee can make them feel confused about whether or not they are handling their roles well. Other times, employees may get delusional and feel they have it all figured out which can cause them to stagnate.

By giving meaningful feedback on their work while balancing the good and the bad, you can motivate employees to do things the right way. This improves their performance without making them as they failed.

It Provides Better Learning Outcomes

Modern training tools like Mindflash Technologies come loaded with features like assessments and automated reporting. Assessments help identify and employee’s knowledge gaps. Based on the employee training assessments, the manager can understand the areas in which the employee is facing issues. 

This information can be used to provide employees feedback on the topics they must work harder to better fulfill their work responsibilities. This will give employees a clear direction to focus and increase the ROI of the training.

It Builds Trust

Employees often assume a manager is not giving them any inputs because they do not want them to grow. This can make them psychologically safe working with the manager and cause them distress trying to build a connection with the manager.


By providing honest feedback in a constructive tone, managers can build trust with their employees. It shows employees that you are committed to their growth and trying to help them become more efficient

It Reduces Employee Turnover

When employees do not receive any feedback throughout the year but receive low ratings and low bonuses based on their ratings during appraisal time, they feel resentment towards their managers. This often leads to employees quitting their jobs.

This makes it clear that providing the right feedback in the right way can prevent employees from leaving their jobs. Hence, managers must not wait till the time of appraisal to provide employees their feedback. 


Highlighting areas of change while sharing feedback with employees regularly can help in enhancing employee output and create a work culture that facilitates development.



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