
Facebook has totally changed the advertising game. They have made it much easier for small and large businesses alike to reach their specific audiences. It has created very innovative and effective ways to achieve this. The possibilities are truly endless. This all so exciting of course, until your account gets deactivated. Not to worry, we know how horrible that must feel, and most of us have been there.

In this article, we would be discussing the best way to fix a Facebook ad account deactivation. We would also address most of the likely questions you might have on this issue. We would also briefly discuss the best possible ways to protect your account from future deactivations.

Why was Your Account Deactivated?

Unfortunately, Facebook never really say says why these accounts get disabled. If you get a message like this one, you will need to review their advertisement policies. In this article, we explain the most common reasons for account deactivation.

The Most Common Reasons for Account Deactivation

Unsettled or Pending Settlement 

You may not have violated any of Facebook’s community guidelines or terms of use. If this is the case, you will need to log in and check your account to see if all payments have been settled. If this is the reason, then you are lucky because this is an easy fix.

Be sure that your payment and all of your billing information is up to date. For instance, if you recently received a new card from your bank. Be sure that the information on the new card has been updated on your account. Once the payment is settled, it shouldn’t take too long to have your ads up and doing again. This is an easy fix.

Branded Content 

Facebook defines branded content as any post or even including text, photos, videos, Instant Articles, links, 360 videos and Live videos from media companies, celebrities or other influencers that features a third party product, brand or sponsor. For example, a makeup brand may collaborate with a beauty influencer to promote a new eyeshadow palette.

Facebook updated its policy on branded content in 2016.

It’s important to Facebook that their users know are aware that they are viewing an ad. People don’t want to feel like they are being coerced into deciding to purchase any product or service. They will naturally be open to any product that is introduced by influencers that they follow so long as these people are trustworthy.

Personal Attributes 

Facebook’s policy on personal attributes states that:

“Ads must not contain content that asserts or implies personal attributes. This includes direct or indirect assertions or implications about a person’s race, ethnic origin, religion, beliefs, age, sexual orientation or practices, gender identity, disability, medical condition (including physical or mental health), financial status, membership in a trade union, criminal record, or name.”

The way word this advertisement is probably the most important aspect of the ad business. It determines if your content will be well received on not. Be careful of what you say and try not to shame other people’s products while doing so.

As an example “Bad breath getting in the way of your relationship? Get help now,” is a very wrong way to phrase your advert. It implies that you know that the viewer has breathing problems, which is too insulting and invasive. Instead, you can try some more accessible ways to say it like, “We have dental care plans for your every need. Click here for more info.” Or something like that.


Sexually Suggestive Content

Facebook has strict guidelines on what it considers as explicit content. It is another cause of deactivation.

Sexually suggestive content or adult content is never permitted in Facebook advertisements. This includes any form of “nudity, the portrayal of people in suggestive positions or explicit, or activities that are considered as sexually provocative.” Even if the content you bring to Facebook ads is undergarments, body wash, or art, you must still proceed with extreme caution.

How to Fix It

Submit an Appeal

The first thing to do whether you’re guilty or innocent is to submit an appeal. First, you will log in to your Facebook account. You will receive a prompt to enter your advertiser account identification. After this, you will be allowed to state your issues and tell them the problems you have been experiencing. Take the time to write an email that is honest and tell them exactly what is going on.

Also, be sure to cite the exact Facebook policy or policies you think your ad(s) may have broken. Ensure you make them aware that you will do better to rectify them in the future should you be given another chance.

Speak with a Facebook Marketing Expert 

If filing an appeal turns out to be a dead-end, you will need to contact a Facebook marketing expert. They are employees of Facebook that basically offer you with a free consultation and give you ideas on ad optimization.

This is all possible only if you are eligible for consultation. First, you will need to find out if you are before scheduling an appointment.

How Can You Avoid This? 

If your account has been deactivated, here are a few ways to avoid this.

  • Keep a close eye on the comments. Not all negative comments come from “internet trolls.”  Negative comments can be indicators of a community guideline violation. This should be addressed promptly. What’s worse than being deactivated? Being deactivated and “cancelled.”
  • Experts recommend that you set up one ad and get it approved before duplicating it and running multiple at one time. This way, your ad money doesn’t go down the drain if your account is temporarily disabled for a minor infraction.
  • Only set up accounts with payment information when you are ready to use them and do not put payment information into accounts that you are not actively using.
  • Use Facebook Business Manager, not your personal ad account. This way, you can have separate ad accounts for each client or business. If something were to go wrong, all accounts would not be in jeopardy.
  • Do not schedule ads too frequently. We understand. You want to repeat exposure to your ad. However, ads that are seen too frequently often get flagged.
  • It is also recommended to have multiple administrators for each back-up account. If one administrator is disabled, another may take his or her place.
  • Last but not least, it recommends doing a final review of the ad copy, ad creative, and landing page before getting approved.
  • Keep a lookout for updates and amendments. We know, this list of “don’ts” seems to go on forever, but it is important to stay abreast of these guidelines.

You can also buy Facebook accounts from this site:, offer you a wide variety of services. They are the go-to for getting excellent working Facebook accounts. If you are also looking for a Facebook account for ads with marketplace, they  can provide this for you. They have good and verified aged Facebook accounts that will give you no problems. These accounts are also active, and we are the best place to get them.



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