
Welcome to the developer’s world! Every day we use mobile applications, carry out financial transactions online, use professional programs and so on. Information technologies today are new opportunities for users, and also an excellent opportunity to build a successful career. Working in IT attracts high salaries, dynamic projects and the potential opportunity for relocation anywhere in the world.

ReactJS has consistently held a high position in the labor market and therefore there are more and more vacancies in development companies. In the article ‘How Can I Find Best ReactJS Development Company’, you will learn what skills you must have in order to find and become part of the team of the best ReactJS development company. Let’s start from the beginning!

A ReactJS developer, before and in the process of learning the React library, manages to master a number of related technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Redux and others. You cannot become a successful developer without knowing these fundamentals. Requirements for developers depend on the company.

Subsequently, the finest alternative is to go through as numerous interviews as possible. Frequently, indeed this process itself essentially improves the beginner, because he understands what he is missing and can fix the base until another meeting. Before interviews, you ought to progress your skills within the innovations listed over and make a portfolio. The importance of the last mentioned can hardly be overestimated – indeed if the works in it’ll not be related to the subject of the chosen company’s work vector, the diligence and desire to create will still be appreciated.

It is often advantageous for the boss to require on the team charged newcomers who are prepared to create database uml diagram and attempt to move towards the goal on their own. Do not forget about soft skills – development takes place in a team, which means that the improved skills of interaction, load distribution, conflict resolution will be as relevant as possible.

It is important for a junior ReactJS developer to find an internship or a job where he will be accompanied by a mentor – in this case, he will pump faster and be able to move to a new level. At this stage, you need to continuously develop and try to delve into the selected technologies as much as possible.

You can become a junior React developer in a few months or six months, if we talk about courses. A middle-level specialist is a person who is ready to turn from a “hand” into a “brain” and begins to move in this direction. That is, he already sees the needs of the customer and can solve them.

Development of web applications and other products becomes a task for him, starting with understanding the goals of the client. For the senior developer, the skills of team building, mentoring and management will be relevant. Why are we talking about this? Because this very important part depends on you, because if you are looking for a dream company then you need to meet its requirements.

Finding the ideal conditions in which you would like to work day in and day out is the main task for the programmer. To understand which environment is closer to you, let’s consider several common types of such development companies.

  • Companies that make projects to order. The market dictates its own terms: almost all customers need a completely finished product “yesterday”. In addition, working with customers is always stressful: you have to be patient, learn to justify your position, and work with objections. In such a development company, the programmer will learn to do everything. Of course, it will be difficult at first to switch from backend to frontend (or vice versa), and to design databases during breaks.
  • But there will be a chance to make developments for the future – to accumulate many templates for projects-blanks for any task. Another advantage: working in such a rhythm, you will have to constantly monitor the development of relevant languages ​​and frameworks.
  • Companies that are working on their own economically successful project. Most often, such a product is created over the years. It is natural that a development company accumulates a huge legacy code for its product – clumsy and boring, but stable and predictable. The programmer does not have to do something in a hurry: all tasks are deep and the processes have been debugged for a long time. You just need to painstakingly implement intelligent functionality, improve performance, and scale the product. Run tests and think about monitoring.
  • This is where the fundamental knowledge of algorithms and mathematics will come in handy. It would be better to thoroughly study one direction or framework and use it as efficiently as possible. Working on a lively, large-scale project with thousands of users creates a unique experience. For example, learn how to create machine learning algorithms or qualitatively analyze Big Data. This is an excellent foundation for a successful and long-term career. Finally, this is the best option for an introvert: there is no need to answer sudden questions from customers and managers. There is almost no staff turnover in such companies, and colleagues can become a “second family”.
  • Companies that work on their own projects and at the same time do work to order. The company, which successfully develops its own major product, can boast of experienced managers, competent performers and a powerful technological base. This allows the business to expand and take on side projects for development. For the company, external projects are an excellent testing ground.
  • Here you can “test” new technologies, and then implement them into your own product. For developers, client orders are an opportunity to periodically switch from supporting the main project to developing a new one. Projects that need to be developed “from scratch” attract young developers to the staff and help experienced employees go beyond the usual technologies, master something new.

When thinking about employment, honestly answer yourself the question, which way is closer to you: multitasking and constant dynamics or a stable team and work on fundamental tasks, big data analysis, support for projects with a history and the opportunity to become a highly qualified specialist?

Ideal when the pace and approach of the company is combined with your temperament and ideas about the ideal organization of the development process. As a bonus to this article, I decided to make a list of the five best ReactJS development companies not only for the developer, but for the customer, a businessman who may be looking for a team that will develop his startup.

#1 – WillowTree

The company was founded in 2008 and located in Virginia (has 12 years of experience!), has up to a thousand employees in the headquarters who receive an average of 150 to 200 dollars per hour. On their official website in the section “Career” you can see open vacancies with detailed descriptions and apply your resume. The company withholds mastery and experience in agile web development and concepts like dynamic web apps, Universal JS, and responsive design. They can build enterprise-grade solutions to meet each requirement.

#2 – RnF Technologies


It is a famous ReactJS development company within the United States. They don’t just develop projects but they also help to build businesses. The company has more than 400 employees at its headquarters, who receive an average of $ 25 per hour. It should be noted that the company is open to new talented developers and has many vacancies.

#3 – Rootstrap

Californian ReactJS development company, which is also a leader in its field. This company invites dynamic young people to join their project development team. Currently, this team has only up to 260 programmers. At Rootstrap, they offer assistance companies scale people, forms, and products, powered by the desire to do what is best for their clients.

#4 – Table XL

This is a relatively small company with only 50 employees, but who receive a fairly high salary. Although, for 14 years of experience, this American company has gained the trust of more than 100 companies that have left a positive response about cooperation. The developers at Table XI are highly talented, skilled, and have the ability to convert complex prerequisites into reality.

#5 – STRV

This is the most experienced company of this list, because it was founded in 2004 and is based in California. The company offers several open positions for people not only in the United States but also in Prague, for example. STRV developers know how to work with ReactJS and perform projects efficiently and professionally.


Thanks for reading the article ‘How Can I Find Best ReactJS Development Company’! I hope you found the answers to the questions you were looking for. When looking for such a development company, you should pay attention not only to the status of the company, but also to objectively assess your skills and job opportunities, and how the agile or scrum is helping the developers to ace in their career. Wish you a successful search!



  1. I agree that frequently indeed this process itself essentially improves the beginner. It’s very informative article, Thank you for sharing!


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