
The Northern Territory hosts some of the most iconic Australian landscapes, is home to a vast array of wildlife and is one of the best places to experience indigenous culture. Whether you want to explore the vast Red Centre, visit the coastal capital of Darwin and the islands offshore, witness sunset at Uluru or explore the world-famous Kakadu National Park, the Northern Territory is an absolute must for any Aussie-backpacking itinerary. 

In the mid-eighties the iconic movie Crocodile Dundee brought Kakadu National Park to the attention of the world and the Northern Territory has been on bucket lists of domestic and overseas travellers ever since. This is the part of the country that you need to visit if you want those quintessential Australian experiences.

Get up close and personal with the unique landscape of the Red Centre, camp out under impossibly starry skies, visit tropical towns and cruise the rugged coastline in this expansive region. Make sure that you put a plan in place before you depart to ensure you maximise your time in the area and organise domestic travel insurance so you can enjoy your visit with a little more peace of mind.

Let’s take a look at just a few places you need to consider for your next Northern Territory adventure. 

Barramundi Fishing In Darwin

Whether you’re an experienced angler or this is your very first fishing trip, casting your line in the hope of reeling in one of the region’s famous silver barramundi is a must for every visitor. Tours can be found in Darwin or you can venture further afield to remote Arnhem Land, home to some of the best barramundi fishing in the world.

Visit Aboriginal Artists

The work of Aboriginal artists from the Northern Territory is sold all over the country and the world. When you visit the region, you will have a unique opportunity to visit these artists in their communities, learn about where they live and watch them create their masterpieces. Check out the amazing galleries in Uluru or on the Tiwi Islands, and keep an eye out for the countless Aboriginal art festivals that are held throughout NT at different times of the year. 

Cruise Through Nitmiluk Gorge

Taking a cruise through Nitmiluk Gorge, also known as Katherine’s gorge in Nitmiluk National Park at dawn is an incredible experience and one that will be etched into your memory forevermore. Watch the light change on the surrounding rocks, see the wildlife begin to stir and drift past beautiful examples of aboriginal rock art. This is a quintessential Northern Territory experience and one not to be missed. 

Visit Kakadu National Park

Kakadu National Park is one of the many jewels in the crown of NT. Located just three hours drive east from Darwin, there are plenty of well-paved roads through the vast park, making it easy to explore. Boasting dual World Heritage status, Kakadu is home to some incredible Aboriginal art galleries that can be found at Ubirr, Nourlangie and Nanguluwur, featuring paintings that are more than twenty-thousand years old. Keep your eyes peeled for wildlife such as the massive five-metre long saltwater crocodiles that call the water here home. 

Witness Sunset At Uluru

Uluru is, without doubt, one of the most iconic landmarks in all of Australia and the sunsets here are simply mind-blowing. Watch the colour of the rock change from vibrant red to burnt orange and fade to deep purple as the light begins to slowly drift away. While you’re at Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, be sure to take a walk through the mighty domes of Kata Tjuta, visit the aboriginal art galleries and take a guided ranger-led walk around the base of the Uluru monolith to learn more about the ways of the local indigenous people who call this fascinating place home. 

Make Your Trip To The Northern Territory Truly Memorable

Australia’s Northern Territory is an absolute must for any backpacker’s itinerary. The experiences above are just the beginning. With so much to do, see and experience, you can be sure that the Northern Territory will be a highlight of your travels for the rest of your days. 



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