
Online coaching classes have become a popular thing now especially after the covid-19 pandemic. With people locked into their houses, all the training, schooling, and coaching chose online platforms as their mode to educate people and of course also to earn money.

People started taking a variety of courses online when they discovered their lost or hidden talents while they were locked up in their houses. Not only did they perfect things, but they also started sharing the knowledge with others through social media platforms, LMS platforms. 

If you have still not explored taking up online training or coaching and planning to do it now, below are the few things you should consider:

Research On Your Competitors

To get in the market you need to first analyze what is available in the market and how. Whatever it is that you are trying to teach, try to find out how your competitors are teaching it. Research on their topics, techniques and try to find out how you can be better than them. If you want to sell your course, you need to be better than many.

Make A Good & Engaging Content

Having talent is not enough to make money, you also need to know how to sell it. And the first step with that is making good and engaging content. There must be a lot of courses already available online and many of them are not sold because they are boring and not engaging enough. Make sure that your content grabs the attention of the learners, is easy for them to understand, and has all the necessary information required to the point. Also, focus on the delivery of your content. 

Choose Your Platform

There are a lot of platforms available where you can take your online courses like zoom meetings, skype, Webex, or MS teams meetings. But the most popular of them all is LMS which has conquered the e-learning and training world. Thinkific is an e-learning platform where you upload your course and tracking and earning money becomes very easy. You can check the thinkific reviews online if you don’t trust us, it has been doing exceptionally well in the LMS market.

Set The Right Price

Don’t set the bar of the price of your content too low or too high, just the right amount which you feel is worthy of your efforts. You can check the prices of the courses your competitors have set up and then select your range accordingly. If you have to make your course reachable to a wide audience you have to decide the price of your course accordingly.

Spread The Word

Marketing is very important to get the attraction and attention of people to your uploaded course. Target the right audience over all the possible platforms, like social media, blogs, group forwards, oral communications. You can take the help of paid advertisements which are within your budget which will help you target the right audience, at the right channel, at the right time.


Taking classes online has a lot of benefits and the most important of them is that you do not require a big chunk of investment to make, and no setting up infrastructure fuss is needed. Just develop your content/course, choose the right platform and keep earning money without putting any capital.



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