
The Easter holidays are a great excuse to take a break from everyday stresses. The sun is usually out, the days longer and there’s plenty of chocolate at your disposal – not to mention there’s not one, but two bank holidays in the space of just a few days!

But if you’re choosing to spend your Easter holidays wisely by studying, staying motivated whilst everyone around you kicks back can be difficult. The pandemic has leant itself to a more focused study schedule, but as we are now able to legally spend time outside with up to six people, that temptation to slack off on studies could be at an all-time high.

So – if your plans for Easter revolve around your university studies, here are some of our best motivation tips to help keep you on track.

Ditch The Daily To-do List

To-do lists are fantastic, simple ways to keep accountable and motivated. But the truth is that setting a daily to-do list is unlikely to help you stay motivated during the holidays, especially if everyone around you is doing their own thing and there’s limited structure with the absence of lectures and seminars.

We’re not saying do away with the to-do list but opting for a weekly list instead will help you to stay on-track and make your goals more achievable. Setting targets for you to hit across an entire week will help you balance your time between study and relaxation, so you don’t burn yourself out over the break, but you still achieve the things you want to achieve.

Change-up Your Working Environment

If you’ve spent the majority of lockdown in your student accommodation in Bolton, then the chances are that the idea of spending a further couple of weeks studying inside the same four walls is incredibly demotivating.

Lockdown doesn’t mean you have to study entirely in isolation or in your student accommodation in Bolton – so if you’re planning to hit the books over Easter, why not shake things up a bit? Here are a few alternative ideas for you to consider:

  • The Library – just because it’s Easter, doesn’t mean your university campus closes down. So, if you’re looking for a new place to work, why not get up early and take your resources down to the library for a change of scenery?
  • Outside – Easter holidays are usually warm and sunny, and as we can now legally meet outdoors (at a safe distance) with up to six people, it’s the perfect opportunity for an outdoor study session. Whether alone or with likeminded students, the fresh air can work wonders for your productivity.
  • The communal Space – if you’re lucky enough to have a communal area in your student accommodation in Bolton, then why not take advantage of it? Study sessions in the kitchen, on the sofa or on the floor with all the essential snacks around you, will help you to keep focused.

Don’t Be Unrealistic With Your Goals

Studying hard is part and parcel of uni life, but if you’re planning to study over the Easter break, we advise you to be realistic with your goals. Setting yourself up for failure with a to-do list as long as your arm is only going to dishearten you and could lead to less getting done than you had planned.

Instead, make small, achievable goals and milestones to hit that you will be able to do each day. And don’t forget to schedule in some downtime and fun too, this is a break after all, so you don’t want to return to classes feeling wiped out!

Making the most of the alone time during the Easter holidays by staying at your student accommodation in Bolton can be a great way to maintain momentum and motivation. And remember, just because you’re studying this Easter, doesn’t mean you can’t fuel yourself with chocolate as you do it!

Happy Easter from everyone at Orlando Village.



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