
When a person’s identity is fragmented into two or more separate personality states, they are said to be suffering from dissociative identity disorder, which was previously known as multiple personality disorder. People who suffer from this illness are frequently the victims of severe childhood abuse or neglect, or persistent trauma. Online therapy can be beneficial for a person with this mental health disorder.

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a very uncommon syndrome in which a person has two or more unique identities, or personality states, that alternately exist in and take control of him or her at different times. Sometimes people say this is a feeling of being possessed by something. Memory loss is also experienced by the individual, which is far too profound to be described by regular forgetfulness.

When most people think about multiple personalities, their mind goes straight to “Sybil”. The woman with 16 distinct personalities. These 16 personalities did not make themselves all known at once or in fact make themselves known at all. For a long time, Sybil only knew of two alter egos. It took eleven years for her psychiatrists to “meet” them all. Each one of Sybill’s personalities served a purpose and not all of them were in her best interest. Whether to protect her, calm her, give her strength, or get her into mischief.


Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is characterized by an inability to integrate multiple components of memory, identity, and awareness into one individual. Typically, a primary identity is identified by the person’s given name and that they are dependent, passive, depressed and have feelings of guilt over everything and everyone.

When the individual is in command, each personality state or alter can be perceived as if it had its own history, and sense of identity. Certain conditions or triggers can lead to the emergence of a specific alteration. Different identities may deny knowing each other, be disparaging of one another, or seem to be at odds with one another in a confrontational manner.

The individual has two or more separate identities or personalities that have made themselves known. An alteration in one’s sense of self and feeling of agency, as well as changes in behavior, awareness, memory, motor function, perception, and cognition, are all consequences of the disruption of one’s identity.

The symptoms produce clinically substantial distress or impairment in crucial areas of functioning such as occupational, social, or other areas of daily living.

Individuals’ memories of their own personal history, including persons, places, and events, from both the recent and distant past, are frequently found to be lacking or incomplete. Unlike ordinary forgetting, these repeated voids are not compatible with normal forgetting.

A common experience for people with DID is the sensation that they have suddenly transformed into depersonalized spectators of their actions and speech. Occasionally, they will claim hearing voices (either their own or the voices of a higher power), and in some situations, they will report various streams of thinking that they have no control over (Intrusive thoughts).

In addition, the individual may experience unexpected impulses or powerful emotions over which they have no power or a sense of ownership. Alternatively, people may remark that their bodies feel different (such as that of a young infant or someone enormous and muscular), or that their attitudes or preferences shift suddenly before returning to their previous state.

In fact, more than 70% of people with DID have tried to commit suicide at least once and have self-injurious conduct that is widespread in this population. Treatment is essential for persons suffering from DID in order to improve their life and minimize suicide attempts.


Any age can be affected by this condition, and it can manifest at any time. DID patients may experience post-traumatic symptoms (such as flashbacks, startle responses, nightmares, or post-traumatic stress disorder (such as anxiety). In accordance with several studies, close genetic relatives of people who also have the illness are more likely than the general population to be affected by the disorder. Child abuse/neglect and past or persistent trauma is usually the cause of multiple personality disorder. The personas that operate with or without the person’s typical personality being aware of their existence.


Long-term online therapy is the main treatment for multiple personality disorder, with the goal of reconstructing the several identities and merging them into a single personality. Cognitive and creative therapy are examples of alternative treatments.


Despite the fact that there are no medications that are especially designed to treat this illness, antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, and tranquilizers may be used to assist manage the psychological symptoms that are linked with the condition.


DID may include the following complications for the patient.

  • Suicidal tendencies.
  • Lawlessness.
  • Substance abuse.
  • Dangerous behavior.
  • Self-harm.

People who have DID are not a danger to others. Their DID developed as a way for the person to cope with their trauma. They struggle terribly to find a sense of identity in this world – they do not ever really know who they are, why they are here, or how to be happy and content with their life because they don’t know what they are supposed to be doing in their life at any given time.



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